Register here to use our ROI calculator! Here you can quickly and easily find out how many players you need per day to recover your investment and to gain profit from a Miniature or Adventure Golf course. Try our calculator now and prepare to be astonished by how quickly you will start profiting from your investment!
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(Please note that the calculation is an estimation, and is only for preliminary purposes. Prices do not include VAT).
- The price of a 9-hole adventure golf course starts at circa 95.000 EURO.
- The price of a 9-hole City Budget mini golf course starts at 16.300 EURO.
Enter your data in the calculator, and you will soon receive an answer.
Examples of Adventure Golf courses during 2022:
- Hälla Piratgolf, Sweden: 20,000 games per year
- Hackers (Indoor), UK: 60,000 games per year
- Jambo Feriepark, Denmark: 30,000 games per year
Circa 8,5 EURO per person generates 255.000 Euro annually.