The nine-hole course, which is made up of City Basic holes with various crazy obstacles, is idyllically situated by the sea. While waiting their turn, players can watch the nearby boats, and after finishing their round maybe enjoy a dip in the northern part of the Sote canal.
A 24-hour marathon mini golf competition was organised for the opening of the course on Midsummer’s Day. The competition was split into various classes, and participants were allowed to play as many rounds as they wanted to get their best scores. They could then hand in their scorecards whenever they finished during the 24-hour period. More than 200 rounds were completed, but as everyone knows there can only be one winner. The best result for nine holes was fifteen strokes, an impressive result that was achieved in the 7–12 age class. So a word of advice to all parents this summer: start training now if you hope to stand a chance against the youngsters!