Ströbl GmbH is a family company founded about 45 years ago. Now in its second generation, it is headed by CEO Fritz Ströbl. The company’s core activity is marketing, selling, supplying and building equipment for water parks, play parks, schools and preschools, a field in which the company has solid expertise and experience.
Ströbl has also collaborated extensively with landscape architects.
Great potential
“We are convinced that City Golf Europe’s products have great potential in our sector,” says Martina. “Now we can offer a complete range of products, from small mini golf courses to exclusive Adventure Golf installations.
“City Golf Europe’s products are highly compatible with our product portfolio,” she adds. The company is innovative and supplies quality products.
“Although there are certain synergies between our target groups, most of City Golf Europe’s target groups are new to us. But we're flexible and receptive to new opportunities.
“I’m an emotional marketer and only sell products I like. Over the years we’ve declined numerous offers to represent companies that manufacture mini golf courses. City Golf Europe’s products are the first that have felt completely right.”
City Smart Golf
Bavaria is Germany's largest state (12.5 million inhabitants), Baden-Württemberg is the third largest (10.7 million) and Austria has a population of roughly 8 million.
“The Adventure Golf courses will open up the door for us. There are already many mini golf facilities with satisfied owners to recommend them. But I believe the new City Smart Golf solution has the greatest potential. City Smart Golf takes mini golf to a higher level. The target groups are primarily hotels and campsites.”
City Golf Europe’s CEO Peter Hoffman looks forward to working with Ströbl GmbH.
“We're delighted with the upcoming collaboration. Ströbl has impressed us with its dynamism and professionalism. I’m confident they will be very successful," he says
Find out more about Ströbl’s range of mini golf products at: