The ”Jungle Golf” is the most innovative of our
adventure golf courses. Open since the 21st of April, 2012 at Union Lido Resort in Cavallino, near Venice,
is an 18-hole course full of news, enclosed in a real amusement park.
The course goes around a large lake with fountains, waterfalls and a huge dune rich in Mediterranean vegetation. The adventure golf at Union Lido Resort is set in a lush Mediterranean garden that at times turns into a real jungle with alternating wet and dry paths and other pitfalls, such as the remains of the old bridge over the river, making the game more exciting.
Two rope ferries allow players to land on a island-hole.
And the adventure continues, the course crosses a spectacular flume ride, the adventure golf and the flume pass in parallel throgh the dune, a unique experience with breathtaking views visible by open windows below the falls.
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